ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Less-is-better effect

Sometimes, having more options can be overwhelming and confusing for our brains to process. This is where the less-is-better effect comes in. It means that when we have fewer choices, we tend to feel more satisfied with the choice we make. This is because our brains can focus better on a smaller set of options and can more easily identify which choice will make us happiest.

Think of it like choosing a toy. If you have too many toys to choose from, you might not know which one to pick and might end up feeling unhappy with your choice. But if you only have a few toys to choose from, it's easier to pick the one you really want and you'll be more satisfied with your decision.

The less-is-better effect can apply to many areas of our lives, such as choosing clothes, food, or even our life goals. By simplifying our options, we can reduce stress and make better decisions that ultimately make us happier.
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