ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Letters patent

Okay kiddo, let's talk about letters patent! Have you ever seen a certificate or diploma that looks like an old document with fancy writing and a wax seal on it? Well, that's a bit like what letters patent are.

Letters patent are official documents that were used in the past to give someone a special right, like a privilege or a title. These rights might include things like being able to hunt on certain land, or having the right to be called a knight.

They were called "letters patent" because they were written out and then sealed with a special wax seal, which made them look official and important. The writing on letters patent was often very fancy and hard to read, because only important people who knew how to read could understand them.

Letters patent were usually given to people by kings, queens, or other powerful rulers, and they were a way of showing that someone was important and had special privileges or rights. Nowadays, we don't really use letters patent anymore – instead, we have things like certificates or contracts that give people special rights.