ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Level set (data structures)

Level set is a way to organize and keep track of things in a special way. Imagine you have a big circle with different points inside it. Next, imagine that you need to keep track of which points are closer to the center of the circle than others. To do this, you can use a level set data structure.

Basically, you draw a bunch of different circles inside the main circle, each with a slightly bigger radius than the last. Then, you assign each point to the smallest circle it falls inside. This means that all points in the center of the main circle will be in the smallest circle, while the outermost points will be in the biggest circle.

The level set data structure makes it easy to quickly find which point is closer to the center of the circle, without having to do a lot of complicated math or measurements. It can be useful in lots of different situations where you need to organize things based on their distance from a center point.