ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leveling seats

When you sit on a chair or a seat, sometimes it can feel a little bit bumpy or not level. That means one part of your booty is higher than the other part. That's not very comfortable, is it? So, to make sure your tush feels good, people make sure the seat is leveled.

They do this by adjusting little knobs or levers under the seat or on the legs. These knobs or levers make the seat go up or down, or tilt forward or backward. The person adjusts the seat until it feels just right.

Just like Goldilocks in the story of The Three Bears, the seat can't be too high or too low, it can't tilt too much one way or the other. It has to be just right!

Once the seat is leveled, you can sit on it and your booty will be comfy and happy!