ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leviticus 18

Leviticus 18 is a part of the Bible that talks about rules that God gave to the Israelites a long, long time ago. These rules were important for the Israelites to follow so that they could stay close to God and live a good and happy life.

One important thing to understand is that these rules were written a very long time ago, and they might seem strange or different from what we do today. But they were important for the Israelites at that time.

In Leviticus 18, God talks about different things that the Israelites should not do. He says that they should not have sexual relations with some people, like their close family members or other people's spouses. This might seem like a weird thing to talk about, but at that time, people didn't always understand that it wasn't good to have these kinds of relationships. So God wanted to make sure that the Israelites knew what was right and wrong.

God also talked about other things that the Israelites should not do, like sacrificing their children to false gods or participating in certain rituals that were not from God.

So in summary, Leviticus 18 is a part of the Bible that gives rules that God gave to the Israelites a very long time ago. These rules might seem strange or different from what we do today, but they were important for the Israelites at that time to stay close to God and live a good life.