ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lexical diffusion

Lexical diffusion is when words and phrases spread from one person or group to another. Imagine you are playing with some friends and using a new word like "phizzwizard." Your friend asks what it means and you tell them it means an amazing dream. They start using it too and soon everyone is using it. This is an example of lexical diffusion. It's like a game of telephone but with words and phrases instead of whispers.

Sometimes a new word or phrase starts in a specific region or group of people and slowly spreads to other regions and groups. For example, "y'all" is a word commonly used in the southern United States that has slowly diffused to other parts of the country.

This diffusion can happen through various forms of communication like books, social media, and television. As more and more people use a word or phrase, it becomes part of the language and can even end up in dictionaries.

Overall, lexical diffusion is just the way words and phrases spread from person to person and become a part of our language. So don't be afraid to use some new words and phrases, you might just start a diffusion!