ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Li Lao drum

Li Lao drum is a musical instrument that is made up of a big round base called the drumhead and a long skinny stick called the beater. The drumhead is usually made out of cowhide or goat skin that is stretched tight across the top of the drum.

To play the Li Lao drum, you hold the beater in one hand and hit the drumhead with it. You can hit the drumhead in different ways to create different sounds. For example, you can hit it in the center for a deep sound or near the edge for a higher pitched sound.

People in Laos, which is a country in Southeast Asia, often play the Li Lao drum during festivals, ceremonies, and other special events. It can be played by itself or with other instruments like flutes and cymbals to create music.

The Li Lao drum is an important part of Laos culture and has been played for centuries. It is often used to celebrate important events like weddings, funerals, and religious ceremonies.