ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Libertarianism in the United Kingdom

Libertarianism in the United Kingdom means that people believe in having more personal freedom and less government control. Just like how a mommy or a daddy may make rules at home, the government makes rules for the country. But some people think that this can be too strict, and we should be able to make more choices for ourselves. Think of it like playing with toys – sometimes, mommy or daddy may tell you which toys you can play with or give you a set amount of time, but other times, they may let you choose which toy you want to play with and for how long.

Libertarians are kind of like the kids who want to choose which toy they play with and for how long. They want to be able to make their own choices about how they live their lives. So, for example, they may think that people should have the freedom to do things like smoke weed, as long as they don't harm anyone else.

Libertarians also don't like taxes, because they think that people should be able to keep more of their own money rather than giving it to the government. They believe that individuals should take care of themselves and their own needs, rather than relying on the government for help.

Overall, libertarianism is a belief that people should have more personal freedom and less government control in their lives.