ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ligurian (ancient language)

Ligurian was a language that people who lived a long time ago used to speak in a part of Italy called Liguria. It's kind of like a secret code that only people who learned it could understand. The language is very old, even older than most of the languages that people speak today!

When we talk about Ligurian, we mean the language that people spoke in Liguria a long time ago, not the language that people speak there now.

We can't really hear what Ligurian sounded like because nobody speaks it anymore and they didn't have recordings back then to keep a record of their language. But smart people who study ancient languages have found some old things like stone inscriptions and writings that tell us what some Ligurian words are and what they mean.

Because there aren't many writings available about Ligurian, it can be really hard for people to understand it now. But lots of smart people have studied it to try to learn more about the people who used to speak it. So while we might not know everything about Ligurian, we can learn some things from what they left behind!