Lincrusta is a type of wallpaper that is not like the regular wallpaper you might see in some houses. It is made of a special kind of material that is thicker and stronger than regular wallpaper.
Imagine playing with playdough or clay - you can shape it with your hands and then press it onto a surface to make a design or pattern. Lincrusta is made in a similar way. When it is first made, it's a bit like a big piece of dough or clay.
To make a pattern, people use special tools and presses to shape the lincrusta. These tools have different shapes, like stars or squares, and can be used to make all sorts of different designs. Once the lincrusta is shaped, it can be dried out and then painted or decorated with other materials to make it look pretty.
Lincrusta is special because it can be used in places where regular wallpaper might get damaged. For example, if you have a room that gets a lot of moisture, like a bathroom or kitchen, regular wallpaper might peel or get moldy. Lincrusta is much stronger and can handle moisture better than regular wallpaper.
So if you've ever seen wallpaper that looks like it has a cool pattern that sticks out from the wall a little bit, it might be lincrusta! It's a special kind of wallpaper that is stronger and more durable than normal wallpaper, and can be made into all sorts of cool designs.