ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Linked fate

Linked fate is the idea that people of the same race or ethnicity tend to face similar experiences and problems in life. It's like being part of a big team with people who look like you and who go through similar things in life.

Let's say you have a group of friends who all have brown hair. You might feel closer to them and share more experiences because you have something in common based on your hair color. The same thing can happen with people of the same race or ethnicity. They might feel a connection to each other because of their shared experiences based on their skin color or cultural background.

Sometimes, people of the same race or ethnicity might face discrimination or inequality based on these characteristics. In those situations, linking fates means that they might feel a sense of solidarity or brotherhood/sisterhood with those who share their background. It's like saying, "we're all in this together."

Basically, linked fate is about the idea that people who share certain characteristics tend to have similar experiences and might feel a sense of connection or shared destiny because of that.