ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lisbon-Macau Raid

Okay kiddo, let me explain the Lisbon-Macau Raid to you.

Lisbon and Macau are two different places on opposite sides of the world. Lisbon is in Europe and Macau is in Asia. Back in the 1600s, there were a lot of countries that wanted to control different parts of the world, including Portugal, which controlled both Lisbon and Macau.

Now, there was this pirate named Coxinga who wanted to take control of Macau. He thought that if he could take control of Macau, he could become very rich by controlling the trade that went through the city. So, Coxinga and his army sailed all the way from Asia to Lisbon, which is on the other side of the world!

Now, this was a really big deal because no one had ever done that before. Coxinga and his army were very brave to sail such a long distance. When they got to Lisbon, they fought with the Portuguese soldiers and were able to take control of the city.

But, the Portuguese soldiers didn't give up easily. They fought back and were able to take the city back from Coxinga and his army. So, even though Coxinga was a brave pirate, he wasn't able to win this battle.

In the end, the Lisbon-Macau Raid was a really big battle between two groups of people who wanted control over a very important city. Coxinga and his army ultimately lost, but they will always be remembered for their big journey across the world to try and win the battle.