ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Literary magazine

A literary magazine is like a special book that has lots of different stories and poems written by different people. Imagine you have a pack of crayons and you ask all of your friends to draw a picture for you. Then you make a special book with all of the pictures your friends made. That's what a literary magazine is like!

But instead of pictures, it has stories and poems that people have written. You can read about all sorts of things, like adventures, love, scary things, or funny things. Sometimes they also include pictures, but mostly it's just words.

People who love reading and writing like to make literary magazines because they want to share their story with others. It's like they are saying, "Hey, I wrote this cool story and I want you to read it!"

Some literary magazines are made by schools or clubs, while others are made by professional writers who want to share their work with the world. You can find literary magazines at libraries or bookstores, and you can even submit your own writing to be included in the next one!
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