ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Little Ice Age

The little ice age was a time when the earth's temperature got colder for a while. It was kind of like when you go outside in the winter and you have to wear a coat, hat, and mittens to stay warm. But this wasn't just in one winter, it lasted for many years.

During the little ice age, there were big storms, strange weather patterns, and things like rivers and lakes freezing that normally did not. People who lived during this time had to change the way they lived because it was colder and harder to grow food.

Scientists think that the little ice age happened because of natural changes in the earth's atmosphere and some big volcanic eruptions. A lot of things can affect the earth's temperature, like the sun, clouds, and even things we do like driving cars and burning fossil fuels. But this time it was mostly nature doing its thing.

Thankfully, the little ice age ended and the earth's temperature went back to normal. It's important for us to learn about things like the little ice age so we can understand how the earth works and how we can take care of it.