ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Livestreaming is like making a video where people can watch you doing something in real-time. Think of it like you are showing your friends what you are doing right now, but instead of just showing them, you're doing it on your computer or phone and anybody with internet access can watch you do it!

People can livestream all kinds of things like playing video games, cooking, or even just talking to their friends. When you start a livestream, your computer or phone sends a video signal to a website or app that people can go to and watch you do what you're doing. You can also add a chat feature so people watching can talk to you while you are doing your thing!

Livestreaming is a fun way to share what you're up to with the world and connect with others who have similar interests. Some people even make a career out of livestreaming, especially when they show something that lots of people want to watch!