ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Living systems

Living systems are made up of living things like plants, animals, and humans. These living things are made up of tiny little things called cells. These cells are like very small building blocks that make up the whole living thing.

Living things need energy to live, just like when you eat food to give you energy. Plants get their energy from the sun, while animals get their energy from the food they eat.

Living things also grow and change. Just like when you grow taller and learn new things, living things also change as they grow.

Living things can also reproduce, which means making more of their own kind. If a mom and dad have a baby, that baby is like a little copy of them.

Finally, living things can also respond to their environment, which means they can react to things that happen around them. For example, if it's too hot outside, you might go inside to cool down. Living things also have ways of protecting themselves if they are in danger.

Overall, living systems are all around us and are the things that make our world so beautiful and diverse.