ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Local extinction

Local extinction means that all the members of a certain type of living thing are gone from a particular area. Think of it like this - imagine you have a bag of your favorite candies, but when you reach into the bag, you can't find your favorite candy anymore, even though you know it's supposed to be in there. That's kind of what local extinction is - it's like the candy disappeared from that bag.

Now imagine that instead of candies, we're talking about a type of animal or plant that used to live in a certain place but doesn't anymore. Maybe there used to be lots of rabbits in a certain field, but now there aren't any rabbits there at all. That's local extinction.

This can happen for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes, things around the animals' or plants' environment change - maybe people start building houses or roads where they used to live, or maybe the climate changes and the environment isn't as good for them anymore. Other times, something like a disease or a predator comes along and kills off all or most of the animals or plants in an area.

Local extinction can be a problem because it means that those animals or plants aren't living in that area anymore. This can affect other living things that relied on those animals or plants for food or other things. Plus, it's always sad when something that was once there just disappears.
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