ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lod Airport massacre

The LOD Airport Massacre was a very bad event that happened a long time ago at an airport in Israel. Some people that were very angry and wanted to hurt other people went to the airport with guns and started shooting at innocent people. It was like a big fight but the people with the guns were very mean and didn't care about hurting anyone.

Many people got hurt and some of them even died. It was a very scary time for everyone who was there or knew someone who was there. The police came to try to stop the bad people from hurting more people and to help the people who were hurt.

After the bad people were caught, everyone worked together to make sure it never happened again. This is why airports all around the world have very strict security now to keep everyone safe. We should always remember this bad event and work hard to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.