ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logical extreme

Ok kiddo, have you ever heard of the word "extreme"? It means something that is really, really far from what is normal or usual.

Now, there's another word that a lot of grown-ups use called "logical". It means that something makes sense or follows a certain pattern.

So, when we talk about a "logical extreme", we mean an idea or action that is so far from what is normal or usual, and it makes sense based on certain rules or patterns.

For example, imagine you love candy. A "logical extreme" for you might be eating 100 pieces of candy in one day. That's a lot of candy, but it can be considered "logical" if you really love candy and you have access to a lot of it.

However, sometimes people take the "logical extreme" too far and their ideas or actions become dangerous or harmful. It's important to always think about the consequences of our actions, even if they seem "logical" at the time.
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