ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logorrhea (psychology)

Logorrhea is when someone talks and talks and talks without stopping. Imagine you're in a race and you keep running and running without taking a break to catch your breath. That's how people with logorrhea talk – they keep talking without taking a pause.

People with logorrhea might talk too much because they have so much to say, they can't stop. Or they might talk too much because they feel anxious or nervous and talking helps them calm down.

Sometimes, people with logorrhea can talk so much that it becomes a problem. It can be hard for them to stop talking even when others want to speak or when it's not appropriate to keep talking.

Just like in a race, it's important to take breaks and rest our bodies, it's important for people with logorrhea to learn how to pace themselves and take breaks in their talking.