ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A loincloth is like a type of underwear that was used a long time ago by people in different parts of the world. Imagine a piece of fabric that's shaped like a big triangle, with one end going between your legs and the other two ends going up around your waist. That's kind of what a loincloth looks like.

People would wear loincloths to protect their private parts, but they didn't have the same kinds of clothes we have now. Instead, they would wrap the fabric around their waist and legs and tie it in place. Loincloths were usually made from materials like animal skin or plant fibers, and they could be decorated with things like beads or feathers.

Some people still wear loincloths today as part of cultural traditions or for special events, but for the most part, we now have much more comfortable and functional underwear options available to us.