ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Subligaculum is a fancy word for a special piece of clothing that was worn by people a long, long time ago. It was kind of like a really short skirt or a super short pair of shorts that only covered the most private parts of the body.

People who wore subligaculum would usually wear it under their other clothes, kind of like underwear. It was made out of a soft material that felt comfortable against the skin, and it was often tied around the waist with a rope or a ribbon.

Back in the old days, people didn't have all the fancy clothes that we have today. They had to make their own clothes out of whatever materials they could find, like animal hides or plant fibers. Subligaculum was a simple and practical garment that people used to help keep themselves comfortable and protected.

Even though we don't wear subligaculum anymore, it's still important to remember the things that people used to do in the past to make their lives better. By looking at old artifacts like subligaculum, we can learn about the history of our world and appreciate the ways that our society has progressed over time.