Okay, imagine that you have a bunch of toys that you love to play with. You really like these toys and want to keep them for a long time. You don't want to give them away or sell them because you think they're special and valuable.
Now, imagine if you were a grown-up and instead of toys, you had some money that you wanted to keep for a long time. This is what we call an investment in stocks or bonds. People buy these things hoping that they will go up in value over time and make them rich.
But here's the thing - when you sell your toys, you don't have to pay anything to the government. But when you sell your stocks or bonds, you might have to pay something called a capital gains tax. This means that you have to give a portion of the money you make back to the government.
There are two types of investments when it comes to taxes - short-term and long-term. Short-term investments are things that you buy and sell quickly, usually within a year or less. Long-term investments are things you hold onto for many years, like your beloved toys.
Now, the United States has a special tax rule for long-term investments. If you hold onto your investment for more than a year before selling it, you may get a tax break. This means that you might not have to pay as much in capital gains tax as you would if you had sold it quickly.
So, just like keeping your toys for a long time can make you happy, keeping your investments for a long time might make you rich and save you some money on taxes!