ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lord President of the Court of Session

Okay, imagine that we're playing a big game where we need someone to be in charge. In this game, we're going to pretend that we're lawyers, and we need someone to be the boss of all the lawyers. That's what the Lord President of the Court of Session is – the boss of the lawyers in Scotland.

The Court of Session is like a big club where all the lawyers go to play their game. But just like any game, there are rules that they have to follow, and sometimes they need help figuring out what the rules mean and how to play the game. That's where the Lord President comes in.

The Lord President is the leader of the Court of Session. They help the other lawyers figure out what the rules mean and how to follow them, and they make sure that everyone is playing fairly. They're like the captain of the ship – they make sure that everything is running smoothly and that everyone on board is working together.

But being the Lord President isn't just about making sure everyone follows the rules. They also help make new rules, and they make important decisions about what happens in the Court of Session. It's a big job, but someone has to do it!