ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Losheng Sanatorium

Hey kiddo, do you know what a sanatorium is? It's like a big hospital where people go to get treatment when they are sick.

Losheng Sanatorium is a specific sanatorium located in Taiwan that was dedicated to treating people with Hansen's disease, which is also known as leprosy. Hansen's disease is a very serious illness caused by bacteria that can damage the nerves in your body.

Leprosy can be very contagious, so people with the disease were often sent to live in Losheng Sanatorium so they could receive proper care and not spread the disease to others.

In Losheng Sanatorium, doctors and nurses had special training on how to treat Hansen's disease and work with patients who had the condition. They had different buildings and wards where patients could live and receive treatment, and everything was set up to try and help people recover as best as possible.

However, Losheng Sanatorium was also the site of a lot of controversy. Some people felt that the way patients were treated there was unfair or even inhumane. Additionally, as treatments for Hansen's disease improved, the need for a separate sanatorium became less necessary. Eventually, Losheng Sanatorium was closed down and the buildings were repurposed for other uses.