ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lotte Chilsung

Okay kiddo, here's what you need to know about Lotte Chilsung! Lotte Chilsung is a company based in South Korea that makes different kinds of drinks. They have lots of popular drinks in Korea, like sodas and teas.

Now, have you ever had a drink that has bubbles in it, like soda or sparkling water? Well, Lotte Chilsung makes those kinds of drinks too, and they are very popular in Korea. They also make drinks that can help you feel better when you're sick, like vitamin waters.

But that's not all - Lotte Chilsung also has a lot of different brands, like Pepsi and Tropicana in Korea. They even make bottled water and sports drinks for people who like to exercise!

Overall, Lotte Chilsung is a company that makes lots of different drinks that people in Korea really enjoy.