ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Low German hall house

A low German hall house is a type of house built in northern Germany around 500 years ago. It is made of wood with a thatched roof and has a special design.

Imagine a big rectangle. Inside, there's only one big room with a raised platform at one end called a "hall". This is where people would eat, sleep, and do their daily activities. At the other end, there would be a fireplace where people could cook their meals and keep warm.

On either side of the hall, there would be smaller rooms where people would sleep. There might also be a little barn attached to the house where animals like cows and pigs could stay warm.

The low German hall house was designed to be cozy, warm, and very practical. Because it was made of wood, it could be easily taken apart and moved to a new location. It was a perfect home for farming families who needed shelter from the cold, wet weather of northern Germany.