ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever asked mommy or daddy for something, like a toy or snack, and they say no? But then, when you ask again, they say yes but with a condition, like you have to clean your room first? That's kinda like what low-balling is!

Low-balling happens when someone gives you an offer that seems really good at first, but then reveals a catch or condition that makes the offer not as good as you thought. It's like when you see a cool toy at the store and it says it's only $5, but then you learn that you also have to buy another toy for $10 to get it at that price.

It's important to be careful with low-balling because sometimes people use it to trick you into agreeing to something you don't really want. Always make sure to read the fine print and understand all the conditions before agreeing to an offer.