ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lungowe v Vedanta Resources plc

Okay, so here's the deal - sometimes companies do things that harm people or the environment, and Lungowe is a group of people who were harmed by a company called Vedanta Resources.

Vedanta Resources is a big company that does a lot of mining for metal. But sometimes when they mine, they use really harmful chemicals and waste that can make people sick and harm the environment. And that's what happened to Lungowe - they were living near a mine that Vedanta was running, and they got really sick from breathing in the bad stuff that Vedanta was putting in the air and water.

So Lungowe decided to take Vedanta to court, which means they wanted to argue in front of a judge and jury that Vedanta did something really bad and that they should pay for the harm they caused. And in 2019, the court decided that Lungowe was right - Vedanta was responsible for harming them, and they had to pay Lungowe a lot of money to make up for it.

It was a really important decision because it shows that companies can't just do whatever they want and harm people without facing consequences. And it's also important because it might make companies more careful and responsible in the future, so that they don't harm people and the environment like they did to Lungowe.