ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Lutin is a type of mythical creature that is often talked about in French folklore. They are known to be mischievous and clever, sometimes even playing pranks on humans. They are often portrayed as small, elf-like creatures with pointy ears and a mischievous grin. Some people believe that lutins can bring good luck, but others think they can also cause mischief if they are displeased.

Think of lutins like tiny little magical creatures that live all around us, but we can't always see them. They like to play tricks and jokes on people, but they can also bring us good luck if we treat them kindly. They may seem mysterious and a little bit scary, but they're really just playful, mischievous creatures who like to have fun. Just remember to be respectful of them, and they won't cause any trouble!