ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain MARPOL in a way that's easy for you to understand. First of all, what does MARPOL mean? It stands for "International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships". That's a pretty big, long name, right?

So, let me break it down for you. Let's say you're out on a boat in the ocean, and you have some garbage or waste that you need to get rid of. You might be tempted to just throw it overboard, but that's not a good idea because it can harm the environment and the animals that live in the ocean.

That's where MARPOL comes in. It's a set of rules and regulations that all countries have agreed to follow. These rules help to prevent pollution from ships, which means keeping the ocean clean and healthy for all the creatures that live in it.

MARPOL covers things like how to properly dispose of garbage and waste from ships, how to clean up oil spills if they happen, and how to prevent harmful chemicals from being released into the ocean. By following these rules, we can help to protect the environment and keep the ocean a safe and happy place for everyone.

So remember, when you're out on a boat, always follow the rules of MARPOL and do your part to keep the ocean clean and healthy!