ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MHD sensor

A MHD sensor is a special kind of tool that helps us measure really tiny changes in a magnetic field.

Think of a magnet that you might have played with before. When you move it around, you'll feel a force - this force is caused by a magnetic field around the magnet. This magnetic field is all around us, and we use it in lots of ways - from sticking notes to our fridge to helping us navigate with a compass.

Now, imagine that you want to measure changes in this magnetic field, like when you move the magnet around or when other magnets get near it. That's where a MHD sensor comes in - it's a special kind of tool that can detect even the tiniest of changes in a magnetic field.

Here's how it works: a MHD sensor is made up of tiny wires that are wrapped in a coil. When a magnetic field passes through this coil, it creates a very small electric current (like how you might make electricity with a battery). This tiny current can then be measured and used to tell us about the magnetic field that passed through the coil.

So, for example, if you wanted to measure how strong a magnet was, you could use a MHD sensor to detect changes in the magnetic field around it. This can be really helpful in lots of different fields, like in medicine (to measure the magnetic field around the brain or heart) or in engineering (to measure the strength of magnetic materials used in machines).