ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


MLSSA stands for "Maximum Likelihood Sequence Selector and Analyzer" and it's a fancy computer program that helps scientists analyze and understand sounds underwater.

Imagine you are at the beach and you hear a lot of different sounds like waves crashing, seagulls squawking, and people talking. Underwater, it's the same thing! There are lots of different sounds like whales singing, fish clicking, and boats motoring around. Scientists use special microphones called hydrophones to record these sounds and then they use MLSSA to help them figure out what each sound is.

MLSSA is like a special detective that looks at the recording of the sounds and tries to match them up with different noises that we know about. It uses a lot of math and statistics to figure out which sound is most likely to be the one we are looking for. Once it has found the sound, it can tell us things like how loud it was, how long it lasted, and even where it came from!

Scientists use MLSSA to learn more about the animals that live in the ocean and the noises they make. They can use this information to help protect these animals and make sure they have a healthy environment to live in. So, MLSSA is like a super smart computer detective that helps us understand the underwater world better!