ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Macedonia naming dispute

Macedonia is a country in Europe. It is a small country, but it is very important because it is between bigger countries like Greece, Albania, and Bulgaria. The people in Macedonia have their own language and culture.

But there is a problem about the name of the country. Greece has a region called Macedonia too, and it does not want anyone else to use the same name. So the two countries cannot agree on what to call Macedonia.

Greece wants the country to be called the "Republic of North Macedonia". But some of the people who live in Macedonia do not like that name because it suggests that they are part of Greece. They would prefer if the country just kept the old name of "Macedonia".

It is a big problem and the two countries are still trying to figure out what to do. They are trying to make a deal so that everyone can live peacefully and can call the country what they want.