ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, have you ever heard of a guy named Machiavelli? He was a man who lived a long time ago in Italy, and he wrote a very famous book called "The Prince".

Now, in this book, Machiavelli talked about how to be a good leader, and he said some pretty interesting things. For example, he said that sometimes it's better to be feared than loved if you're in charge of a group of people.

He also said that a good leader should always be ready for war, and he gave advice on how to make tough decisions and stay in power.

But some people think that Machiavelli was a bad guy because he talked about things like lying and cheating to get what you want. He thought it was more important to get things done than to always be honest and fair.

So, while some people might not agree with everything he said, Machiavelli is still an important figure in history because he made us think about what it really means to be a good leader.
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