ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Machine rule

Machine Rule is a set of instructions in a computer that tells it what to do. It's like the rules that you follow at home, but for a computer. Just like you need to do your homework before you can go outside, a computer needs to follow its rules before it can work properly.

Machines can't understand things the way humans do, so they need to be told exactly what to do step by step. Similar to how you follow instructions to build a Lego set, computers need to follow their machine rules to perform various tasks. These rules are a list of instructions like "add two numbers" or "move a file from one folder to another."

Think of it this way - if you're baking a cake, you need to follow a recipe on how to do it step by step. If you miss a step in the recipe, the cake might not turn out right, and similarly, if the instructions in the machine rule are incorrect, the computer won't work correctly.

Machine Rule is important because it ensures that the computer follows the same set of instructions every time it performs a task. Without it, the computer might get confused or make mistakes, just like you might if you don't follow the rules at home.

So, Machine Rule is like a set of instructions or rules that a computer needs to follow, much like the rules you follow at home or school. Its purpose is to ensure that the computer performs correctly, just like how your rules help you do things in the right way.