ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mad Libs

So, you know how you like to play with words and make silly sentences with your friends? Mad Libs is a game that takes that idea even further!

Basically, Mad Libs is a story that has some important words taken out. These important words might be things like nouns (like "dog" or "car"), adjectives (like "funny" or "bumpy"), verbs (like "run" or "jump"), and other kinds of words.

When you play Mad Libs, someone reads the story out loud, and they ask you to give them words to fill in the blanks. They might say something like, "Okay, now I need a noun. What's something you would find in the kitchen?" And you might say, "Uhmm...spatula!" And then they would write "spatula" in the blank.

You don't know what the story is really about until all the blanks are filled in, but when they are, it can be really funny! The story might not make much sense, because the words you put in could be really silly or strange. But that's okay, because it's all about having fun with words and making each other laugh!