ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: terminal, sha3, laptop, rip, ageing

Made in Taiwan

Made in Taiwan means that a product or thing was created or put together in Taiwan, which is a small island nation in Asia. This place is famous for making many different cool things like toys, electronics, and clothes.

When something is made in Taiwan, it means that people there worked really hard to make it just right. They used special machines and tools to turn raw materials into something useful or fun.

What's cool about stuff made in Taiwan is that it is often made to last a long time and be really high quality. Many people trust things that are made in Taiwan because they know that the people there take pride in their work and care about making good products.

So, next time you see something that says "Made in Taiwan," you can be sure that it was made by people who are really good at what they do and who worked hard to make something great.