ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Madstone (folklore)

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard the story of a madstone? It's a really interesting piece of folklore that some people believe has special healing powers.

So, a madstone is a small, rock-like object that is usually found in the stomach of an animal like a deer or a cow. It's believed that when an animal eats something poisonous or diseased, this stone forms in their stomach and helps absorb the bad things in their body.

When a person gets bitten by a rabid animal, such as a dog, they might get something called "rabies." Rabies can be a really serious sickness that affects your brain and can even lead to death. But some people believe that a madstone can help cure rabies!

To use a madstone, you first have to find one – which can be tricky because they're pretty rare. Then, you have to clean the madstone and make sure it's free of any dirt or debris. When someone gets bitten by a rabid animal and starts showing symptoms of rabies, they can hold the madstone over the wound. It's supposed to draw out any toxins from the bite, which can help the person get better.

Now, it's important to know that there's no scientific evidence that a madstone actually works. But people have been using them for hundreds of years, so it's a really old and interesting tradition. It's also a good reminder to always be careful around animals, and to get medical help if you're bitten or injured.