ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Magnetic hysteresis

So you know how magnets can stick to certain things like the fridge or metal toys? Well, did you know that magnets have something called magnetic hysteresis? Hysteresis is a fancy word for "lagging behind." This means that when you try to change a magnet's magnetic field (the invisible force that makes it stick to things), it doesn't happen right away.

Think of it like a bouncy ball. When you drop a bouncy ball, it bounces back up. But if you push the ball down and let it go slowly, it won't bounce back up as high as it would if you just dropped it. This is because the ball is lagging behind your push.

Magnetic hysteresis works kind of like that. If you try to change a magnet's magnetic field, it won't happen right away. It takes time for the magnet to catch up and adjust to the new field. And, if you keep trying to change the field, the magnet will keep lagging behind, eventually reaching a point where it can't change anymore.

This is why magnets are so powerful and can stick to things for a long time without losing their magnetic force. Magnetic hysteresis helps keep the magnet's field strong and stable.
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