ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mail boat

Okay, imagine you live on a really big island and you need to get mail from other people who live on other islands or on the mainland. One way to do this is to use a special type of boat called a mail boat.

The mail boat is like a big floating post office. It has lots of little compartments where the mail can be stored safely while it's on its journey to reach its destination. It also has a place where the people who work on the boat can sort and organize the mail before they deliver it to the people who live on the different islands or on the mainland.

The mail boat usually follows a specific route and schedule, so people who live in different places know when to expect their mail to arrive. When the boat gets to an island or a port, the workers on the boat will load up all of the mail that's meant for that place and take it to a special post office on the island or on the mainland where people can come and pick up their mail.

So basically, a mail boat is a big boat that travels around delivering mail to people who live in different places. It has little compartments where the mail is stored safely and workers who sort and organize the mail before delivering it to different post offices on islands or the mainland.
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