ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Major Arcana

Okay, so you know when you play with cards, right? There are many different kinds of cards. You might have seen special cards with pictures of people and things that look different from the regular cards. They are called Tarot cards.

The Tarot deck has 78 cards in total. These cards are divided into two groups: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Major Arcana means "big secrets" in fancy words. These cards are the ones that have pictures of special symbols, animals, or people that have special meanings. There are 22 Major Arcana cards in total.

Each Major Arcana card has its own meaning and is related to a different important phase of life. For example, one Major Arcana card is called The Fool. It has a picture of a guy wearing a funny hat and looking happy. The Fool card means new beginnings, taking risks, and being adventurous.

Another Major Arcana card is The Tower. It has a picture of a tall tower that is falling apart. The Tower card represents sudden change, chaos, and upheaval.

People use Tarot cards to help them understand different situations better or to predict what might happen in the future. When someone wants to know something about their life, they can shuffle the cards and pick a few of them. Then, they can read what the cards mean and how they relate to their situation.

So, that's what Major Arcana means! It's a group of 22 special Tarot cards that have important meanings and can help people understand different phases of life.