ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Malay tricolour

A Malay tricolour means a flag that has three parts or sections, and it is used as a symbol of identity for the Malay people. The Malay people come from different countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore. Their flag is made up of three equal-sized vertical stripes, with each color representing something important to the Malay community.

The top stripe is a blue color, which stands for the unity and loyalty of the Malay people. The middle stripe is a yellow color, which symbolizes the monarchy and the royal families of the Malay world. The bottom stripe is a red color, which represents the sacrifice and courage of the Malay people towards their country and community.

When Malays use the tricolour as their flag, they are showing their pride, unity, loyalty, and love for their country and its people. It is a way for them to represent and recognize their heritage and culture, and to stand tall as Malay people. It is also a reminder of the struggles of their past, and the sacrifices made by their ancestors in order to ensure their freedom, rights, and dignity.
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