ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Male warrior hypothesis

So, you know how back in the olden days, there were a lot of wars and battles happening all the time? Well, some scientists have a theory called the male warrior hypothesis, which basically says that a big reason why men were the ones who did most of the fighting in these wars is because they evolved to be better at it than women.

Now, I know that might sound kind of unfair or confusing, but there are some reasons why this might be true. For one thing, men tend to be bigger and stronger than women on average, which might make them better at using weapons and fighting hand-to-hand. Also, men have more testosterone, which is a hormone that can make them more aggressive and competitive, which might be helpful in a fight.

But here's the thing: just because men might be better at fighting doesn't mean they're better at everything else! Women have plenty of skills and abilities that are just as important, like being able to care for children, gather food and resources, and build shelter. So even though men might have been the warriors back in the old days, that doesn't mean they were the only ones contributing to their communities and societies!