Okay kiddo, do you know that boys and girls are different? Just like boys and girls have different hair and clothes, there are also differences between boy and girl bodies. These differences are called sex differences.
Boys have something called a penis and girls have something called a vagina. This is the main difference between boys and girls. When a man and a woman love each other, they can make a baby.
But there are other differences between boys and girls too. The way that we look and the things that our bodies can do can be different. For example, boys are usually stronger than girls because they have more muscles. Boys are also usually taller than girls because they have longer legs.
There are also differences in the way that boys and girls think and feel. Some people think that boys are better at math and science, while girls are better at reading and writing. But this is not always true! Some girls are really good at math and science, and some boys are really good at reading and writing.
So remember, there are a lot of differences between boys and girls, but that doesn't mean that one is better than the other. We are all special in our own way!