ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


ManaQib is an Arabic word which means the virtues or qualities of someone who is really good, kind and pure. It is often used to describe the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them).

To put it simply, manaqib refers to the good deeds and characteristics of a person who is loved and respected by others. For example, if you are kind to your friends and family, help those who are in need, and always try to do the right thing, people might say that you have good manaqib. This means that you are a good person who is worthy of admiration and respect.

In Islamic tradition, the manaqib of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are highly valued and studied as a way to learn from his example and strive to emulate his qualities. One might say that the manaqib of the Prophet include his patience, honesty, generosity, kindness, and wisdom. By studying and trying to follow his example, Muslims hope to become better people and please Allah (God).
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