ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marine life

Marine life refers to all the living things that exist in the ocean or any other saltwater environment. Just like how we live on land, there are creatures that call the ocean their home. Some of these include fish, dolphins, whales, turtles, crabs, clams, jellyfish, seahorses, and many more!

There are so many different types of marine life because the ocean is a really big place with lots of different habitats. Some creatures like to live near the ocean's surface where they can swim and play in the sunlight. Others prefer to live in the deep, dark parts of the ocean where there is no light at all.

Marine life is really important because it helps to keep our planet healthy. For example, some fish eat smaller fish, which helps to keep their populations in check. If there were too many small fish, they could eat all the tiny plants and animals in the ocean, and that would be bad for everyone.

Some marine life is also really good for us humans. We eat fish and other seafood, and many medicines come from the plants and animals that live in the ocean.

But despite all the good things that marine life does for us, it's important that we take care of it. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change are all things that can hurt marine life and the ocean as a whole. So let's all do our part to be good ocean stewards and protect the amazing creatures that call it home!