ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marjory Allen, Lady Allen of Hurtwood

Marjory Allen, also known as Lady Allen of Hurtwood, was a very special and important lady who lived a long time ago. She was born in 1897 and was known for her love and dedication to helping the environment and making the world a better place.

Lady Allen was especially passionate about making sure that children had safe and fun places to play outside. She believed that playing outside was really important for children's health and happiness, and she worked really hard to create and improve playgrounds all over the world.

One of Lady Allen's most famous ideas was something called "adventure playgrounds." These were special playgrounds that were designed to let children explore and have fun in a more natural and creative way than traditional playgrounds. Adventure playgrounds had things like tree houses, rope swings, and mud pits that let kids use their imaginations and have all kinds of fun experiences.

Lady Allen was also really interested in making sure that everyone had the chance to enjoy nature and the outdoors, not just people who lived in fancy houses or had a lot of money. She worked to create public parks and green spaces that anyone could enjoy, and she even helped to start a program called "Green Belt," which helped to protect natural areas around cities and towns so that people could always have beautiful places to explore and enjoy.

So Lady Allen of Hurtwood was a really special lady who cared a lot about the environment, and she worked tirelessly to make the world a better place for everyone, especially children.