ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Markland (Scots)

"Markland" is a word that was used a long time ago in Scotland to talk about a special piece of land that was owned by a bunch of people all at once. Think of it like a big puzzle that everyone shares.

This land was divided up into little pieces called "merks," and people would use these merks to measure out how much land they had. It was kind of like a big game of Minecraft, where everyone has their own little plot of land to build on.

The people who owned markland would work together to make rules and decisions about how the land was used, kind of like a big club. Sometimes they would have meetings in a special place called a "moot hill" to talk about these things.

Markland was really important to people back then because owning land meant having a place to live and grow food. It was like having your own little corner of the world to call home.