ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marriage in Hinduism

Hey buddy, do you know what marriage means? It's when two people love each other very much and decide that they want to be together forever.

In Hinduism, marriage is a very important ceremony. It's called "Vivah" and it involves the families of the couple as well as the couple themselves.

Before the wedding, the families meet and discuss things like the date and time of the wedding, the venue, and any other important details. Then, on the day of the wedding, the couple and their families gather together for a series of special ceremonies.

One of the most important ceremonies is the "Kanyadaan" which is when the father of the bride gives her away to the groom. The groom will then tie a special necklace, called a "Mangalsutra", around the bride's neck to show that they are married.

During the wedding ceremony, there are also many prayers and offerings made to the gods to ask for blessings for the couple. After the wedding, the couple is considered to be "husband and wife".

In Hinduism, marriage is seen as a very sacred and lifelong commitment. It's not just about two people getting married, but it's also about bringing two families together. It's a time for celebration, love, and commitment.